Mission Partnerships

We are passionate about making the good news about Jesus known at home and abroad. As a church we are connected with the following people and organisations.

Dan and Rachel King (Wycliffe Bible Translators)

Dan supports projects in Tanzania translating the Bible into the different languages of Tanzania.

Dave and Gill Fielder (Yorkshire Camps)

Dave is the Camps and Training Team Manager at Netherside Hall, a Christian residential centre running camps for children and young people from across the country.

Jonathan and Amanda Hanley (Scripture Union France)

Jonathan helps write, translate and distribute Christian literature in the French-speaking world. He also supports churches and Christians all over the world.

The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC)

Our church is affiliated to the FIEC, an organisation which helps independently-run churches like ours work together with other like-minded churches to share the good news about Jesus across the United Kingdom.